Right to Know

Right To Know Act

Penn Forest Township Office of Open Records

Open Records Officer
Penn Forest Township Board of Supervisors Office
2010 State Route 903
Jim Thorpe, PA 18229
Phone: 570-325-2768
Fax: 570-325-8230

Right-To-Know requests are submittable online at the below link:

Right-To-Know Request Application

Penn Forest Township Office of Open Records has been established in order to comply with Act 3 of 2008, Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law. Many of our Agencies and Departments handle record requests from the public as an ordinary course of business. This policy is not intended to preclude or limit continued access to those records. Each office will continue to assist the public as part of their agency business. There is a wealth of information on our website under the various offices’ pages. Please review this resource as you may find many of your questions answered there.

If a request is made for a record that an office determines is not “ordinary” in nature or if a requester wishes to do so, the request is made to the Office of Open Records under the PA Right-to-Know Law. (RTK). A request under RTK can be made on the Uniform Request Form, from the PA Office of Open Records, or on the Penn Forest Township Open Records Request Form. These forms can be obtained from the PA Office of Open Records at https://www.openrecords.pa.gov/

A request will be accepted by mail, fax, e-mail, through the above portal or in person directly to the Penn Forest Township Office of Open Records. Please address these requests to Dana Vitale, RTK Officer and Open Records Officer for Administration Records.

The Penn Forest Township Office of Open Records has established a Fee Structure in accordance with guidelines established by the PA Office of Open Records. This information is also available in a PDF Form below. The fee structure may be amended from time to time.

The Penn Forest Township Office of Open Records will also release a summary of the Right-to-Know requests received and the response as to their disposition from time to time. This information will be available on the Penn Forest Township Office of Open Records Web Page. Any appeals of a decision to deny access to a record by the Penn Forest Township Open Records Office can be appealed to the PA Office of Open Records. An appeals officer will be assigned by that office:

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Office of Open Records
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street, Plaza Level
Harrisburg PA 17120-0225
717 346-9903
E-mail: openrecords@state.pa.us

BOS Supervisors and Staff


Roger L. Meckes –  Chairman/Roadmaster
Christian Bartulovich –

Scott Lignore – Supervisor   
Patrick Holland –

Asst. Roadmaster/Supervisor
James Denier – Supervisor

Office Staff

Dana Vitale- Secretary
Holly Rivera- Treasurer
Julie Rossi- Administrative Assistant

Shannon Meckes-Administrative Assistant
Greg Loftus- Zoning/Code Enforcement

Jay York-Zoning/Code Enforcement

Transfer Station & Road Maintenance

Michael Paparozzi

Ovel Mebs

Josh Kervick
Jerry Enck

Ronald Nametko



Contact Information

2010 State Route 903

Jim Thorpe, PA 18229
Phone: 570-325-2768 or 570-325-2769

Fax: 570-325-8230

Office Hours Mon-Fri 8AM to 4PM
E-mail: secretary@pennforesttownship.org

Building & Zoning: 570-325-2760
Greg.Loftus@pennforesttownship.org  Jay.York@pennforesttownship.org
Zoning Mon, Wed & Fri 8-11 AM

Building Tue & Thurs 8-11AM
Transfer Station 570-325-3016


2025 Township Holidays

New Year’s Day – Mon 1/1/25
President’s Day – Mon 2/17/25
Memorial Day – Mon 5/26/25
Independence Day – Thurs 7/4/25
Labor Day – Mon 9/1/25
Columbus Day -Mon 10/13/25
Veterans Day- Mon 11/11/25
Thanksgiving Day -Thurs 11/27/25

After Thanksgiving – Fri 11/28/25

Christmas Eve -Tues 12/24/25 Christmas Day -Wed 12/25/25