Please read and follow the process below to properly register your property as a Short-Term Rental:
- Please take a moment to review the Ordinances provided below.
- Complete and submit your annual “Short-Term Rental License Registration” with the required documentation. The annual license registration application and payment can only be submitted through the website. The website link is provided below and the platform will instruct you through the application process. Payment is the last step in this process, so you have the opportunity to test the platform prior to officially submitting your online application and payment. The Zoning Office will review the submitted registration documentation and contact you if additional/missing information is needed for approval.
- License registrations are valid for 1 year from the date of license approval.
- Complete and submit the “Zoning Permit Application for Short-Term Rental” to the Penn Forest Township Municipal Building. The application fee is $150.00, payable to Penn Forest Township.
- The zoning permit is only required once for new registrations and WILL NOT be required for registration renewals. Final zoning permit approval cannot be granted until the STR License Registration has been approved.
- Be advised, approval by an HOA/POA is the responsibility of the property owner/permit holder. Our office can only review applications as they pertain to Penn Forest Township Ordinances.
- If you have additional questions, please contact the Zoning Office on Wednesday or Friday between the hours of 8 am –11 am at 570-325-2760.