Short Term Rentals

Please read and follow the process below to properly register your property as a Short-Term Rental:

  • Please take a moment to review the Ordinances provided below.
  • Complete and submit your annual “Short-Term Rental License Registration” with the required documentation. The annual license registration application and payment can only be submitted through the website. The website link is provided below and the platform will instruct you through the application process. Payment is the last step in this process, so you have the opportunity to test the platform prior to officially submitting your online application and payment. The Zoning Office will review the submitted registration documentation and contact you if additional/missing information is needed for approval.
  • License registrations are valid for 1 year from the date of license approval.
  • Complete and submit the “Zoning Permit Application for Short-Term Rental” to the Penn Forest Township Municipal Building. The application fee is $150.00, payable to Penn Forest Township.
  • The zoning permit is only required once for new registrations and WILL NOT be required for registration renewals. Final zoning permit approval cannot be granted until the STR License Registration has been approved.
  • Be advised, approval by an HOA/POA is the responsibility of the property owner/permit holder. Our office can only review applications as they pertain to Penn Forest Township Ordinances.
  • If you have additional questions, please contact the Zoning Office on Wednesday or Friday between the hours of 8 am –11 am at 570-325-2760.

Short-Term Rental License Portal

STR Inspection Request

Read each section of the very first page you see when you click on “Apply for a Short-Term Rental License”.

  1. Your parcel number can be found on Carbon County Parcel Viewer
  2. Your rental property’s 911 address. Units, as in Unit 1/2/3/A/B/C, are not to be put into this field.
  3. Have all the Contact information for the Owner: Name, Address, Phone number, and Email address
  4. Have all Contact information for the 24hr Contact Person: Name, Address, Phone number, and Email address.
  5. Bedrooms shall be a minimum of 70 sq. feet & the septic system capacity shall be designed for the number of bedrooms listed. Oftentimes, these systems were designed for 3-bedroom dwellings. Please confirm your capacity before continuing.
  6. The number of parking spaces, at a minimum, shall be equal to the number of bedrooms. (I.E., 3 bedrooms requires 3 parking spaces)
  7. The maximum overnight occupancy is an average of two people per bedroom, plus 4. (I.E., 3 bedrooms has the maximum of 10 overnight guests; children 2 years or younger do not count towards this occupancy limit)
  8. The marketing entity identification number (I.E., listing number) for the STR Rental can be found on the websites that you use to advertise your property. If you have not rented this property yet, type “N/A”.

Items required to upload: (For your convenience in future renewals, please create a PDF of the below information as you will be required to send the information every year.)

  1. A photograph shall be taken from the road, showing your property and driveway.
  2. A floor plan shall be provided & show the dimensions of the rooms on each floor. You can find samples below.
  3. A diagram showing & indicating the designated parking spaces & the maximum number of vehicles allowed for overnight occupants. The minimum number of parking spaces required is equal to the number of bedrooms. You can find samples below.
  4. A Septic pumping receipt is required. Septic tanks shall be pumped within at least three years and shall be pumped every three years for renewal. If the Septic pump receipt does not contain information regarding capacity or states the system is Satisfactory, this information must be submitted separately. Upload information on the location, type, and approximate age of the sewage disposal system in addition to the above.
  5. The “Proof of no outstanding and unpaid Carbon County Hotel Room Excise Tax or Pennsylvania Sales Tax” can be supplied by sending a screenshot of a listing from Airbnb/Vrbo/Etc. or if this is a new STR Rental write in a Word document or on paper stating, “This is a new rental”.

For complaints, use the below link:

Short-Term Rental Complaint Portal

Violation Ticket Payment

Complaints & Violations – Pay a STR Violation Ticket

24/7 Hot Line Phone Number


Zoning Permit Application for Short-Term Rental ( Must be completed with initial registration)

Penn Forest Township’s Short-Term Rental Zoning Application is $150.00. (Payment must be cash or check by mail or at the township office)

The Zoning Application is available at the below link:

Short-Term Rental Zoning Application

Zoning Permits are to be done only once per property and do not need to be renewed or revised when there is a change of ownership.

  1. Fill out all sections of the Property Information. Additional information can be found on Carbon County Parcel Viewer
  2. Fill out all sections of the Contact Information, and be sure to use an accurate and legible email address.
  3. Fill out all sections of the Specifications Information. This information should be the same as the information you enter for the STR License Registration.
  4. Sign the Applicant Signature, if you are applying on behalf of the Owner, please have them sign as well.

Short-Term Rental Code Enforcement & Inspection Information

Complete the Short-term Rental Inspection Form at the below link. Code enforcement officials will reach out to schedule an appointment.

Penn Forest Township’s Annual Short Term Rental Inspection Fee is $150.00.Request your Annual Short-Term Rental Inspection

Short-Term Rental Inspection Checklist

Code enforcement Officer – Greg Loftus 570-657-7991

Shared Code Enforcement Inbox

Penn Forest Township Code

Penn Forest Township has organized our ordinances into a comprehensive code, which is accessible via the following link: Penn Forest Township Code

Resolutions Relevant to Short-Term Rentals

Resolution 17 of 2021

Ordinance #2 of 2021-Short Term Rental Licensing & Regulation

BOS Supervisors and Staff


Roger L. Meckes –  Chairman/Roadmaster
Christian Bartulovich –

Scott Lignore – Supervisor   
Patrick Holland –

Asst. Roadmaster/Supervisor
James Denier – Supervisor

Office Staff

Dana Vitale- Secretary
Holly Rivera- Treasurer
Julie Rossi- Administrative Assistant

Shannon Meckes-Administrative Assistant
Greg Loftus- Zoning/Code Enforcement

Jay York-Zoning/Code Enforcement

Transfer Station & Road Maintenance

Michael Paparozzi

Ovel Mebs

Josh Kervick
Jerry Enck

Ronald Nametko



Contact Information

2010 State Route 903

Jim Thorpe, PA 18229
Phone: 570-325-2768 or 570-325-2769

Fax: 570-325-8230

Office Hours Mon-Fri 8AM to 4PM

Building & Zoning: 570-325-2760
Zoning Mon, Wed & Fri 8-11 AM

Building Tue & Thurs 8-11AM
Transfer Station 570-325-3016


2025 Township Holidays

New Year’s Day – Mon 1/1/25
President’s Day – Mon 2/17/25
Memorial Day – Mon 5/26/25
Independence Day – Thurs 7/4/25
Labor Day – Mon 9/1/25
Columbus Day -Mon 10/13/25
Veterans Day- Mon 11/11/25
Thanksgiving Day -Thurs 11/27/25

After Thanksgiving – Fri 11/28/25

Christmas Eve -Tues 12/24/25 Christmas Day -Wed 12/25/25